If you are looking to utilize the new Quote Assistance feature, you will first need to connect to your email server. To do this, you may require IT assistance, or approval.
Email Authentication
1. In the steps below we will authenticate a new plugin for an Outlook email. Select “Settings."
2. Select “Plugins” within the Customization settings.
3. If the plugin is installed it will be visible in the “Installed Plug-ins” tab. Let’s install the Outlook plug-in as it is not visible. Select “Store.”
4. Select “Install” on the Outlook plugin. Learn about our other plug-ins in our resource center.
5. “Save” to begin authentication.
6. Select “Authenticate.”
7. Follow the prompts from Outlook. Once completed, you will receive a success message from SecturaFAB.
Set up an Email per Organization
For your organization to send and receive emails, there is an additional step to set up an email server on SecturaFAB. If you need help with this step, please contact your IT department.
1. From the settings menu, select “Email Server” within the Organization Settings.
Receiving Emails:
- From Email Address: This will be the email address that will be used to send the email.
- Reply To Address: If left blank it will use the From Email address to set as the Reply to email.
- User Name: The user name to login to the mail server. This should be the same as your email address.
- Incoming Main Server: The IMAP Email server name.
- Security Protocol: Encryption method to use when retrieving emails.
- SSL Protocol: SSL Protocol to use when retrieving emails.
- Authentication: The Authentication type to use when connected to the mail server.
- Folder: Folder to read.
- Read Emails: Depending on IT restrictions, select this box for SecturaFAB to import emails into "Quote Requests"
- Checking this box will import all recent emails from this folder into quote requests, which all company users can see. To avoid sharing unrelated emails, we recommend using a dedicated 'Quote Requests' folder.
Sending Emails:
- Outgoing Mail Server: SMTP Server name.
- SMTP Port: SMTP port to use when sending emails.
- Security Protocol: Encryption method to use when sending emails.
- SSL Protocol: SSL Protocol to use when sending emails.
- Authentication: The Authentication type to use when connected to the mail server.
- Use as CC: Include this email address as a CC when sending emails.
- Use as BCC: Include this email address as a BCC when sending emails.
- Connection: The connection to use when using OAuth2 Authentication.
- Test Email: Type in the email address to send a test email.