Larger products made up of a collection of smaller parts are called an Assembly. Whether you need a weldment or STEP assembly quote you can easily create and edit complex assemblies in SecturaFAB.
Let's explore how you can simplify your assembly workflow. Check out the video below or follow along with the steps.
Create a New Assembly
1. Let's create a new assembly from a list of added parts. Select “Assembly.”
2. Fill in the parameters of this assembly, which include:
- Name – The name of the assembly[JC1]
- Revision – The revision (update) from a previous assembly
- Quantity – The amount needed
- Fixed Price – A predetermined price of this assembly
- Memo – Any additional information or message for this assembly
Tip: Use the “Upload” button to add an image of the assembly.
3. Selectable actions include:
- Copy – Copy a single part to the assembly.
- Copy All – Copy all line-items to the assembly.
- Remove – Remove a single part from the assembly.
- Remove All – Remove all line-items from the assembly.
4. In this example, select “Copy All” to add all the line-items to the assembly. Then, select “New Assembly.”
5. The new assembly will display as a new line item containing the root (name) and the subcomponents with indented orange carets.
Editing an Assembly
Now let's explore how to edit an existing assembly.
1. Highlight the root and select “Edit Properties” from the line-item action menu. Find out more about editing line items in our knowledgebase.
2. Add a new line-item or adjust the quantity as needed. Select “Update Assembly” to save changes.
STEP Assemblies
Now that you know how to create and edit and assembly, let's upload a STEP assembly in SecturaFAB.
1. Select “CAD Files” when starting a new quote. Then, select “Select Files” to upload a STEP file from your device.
2. Once uploaded, a clear image of the STEP assembly displays. Select “Next.”
3. First, identify CAD parts or parts needing to be laser cut. Select the dropdown menu and choose “CAD.” Additional types include:
- Assembly – Designated for the root or finished product of an assembly.
- CAD 3D – Parts needing to be milled.
- Free Style – Parts that are drawn.
- Component – Parts needing to be ordered.
- Linear – Parts needing to be saw cut.
- Sub Contract – Parts designated for sub contract work.
- Weld – Geometry that represents a weld.
4. Upon flattening the CAD parts, SecturaFAB can apply a primary and secondary operation. In this example, a bend operation is applied, as shown by the green line. Learn more about operations in our knowledgebase. Select “Finish.”
5. Revisit “Editing an Assembly” to make any changes.
Congratulations! You now know how to create and edit assemblies in SecturaFAB.